Data Verification & Analysis

Collected data are exported, validated, cleaned, summarized and analyzed

Research Lifecycle diagram with Data Verification and Analysis (step six) highlightedData Verification & Analysis

When a protocol is sponsored by an external sponsor (e.g. pharmaceutical company, consortium, etc.) the Data Verification / Analysis stage is conducted by the sponsor and does not occur at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital. 

When a protocol is investigator-initiated and conducted at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital, the Database Design & Data Management Team export data collected from REDCap and, along with the CTRO team, ensure it is validated and cleaned. The dedicated Epidemiologist & Biostatistician Team perform analyses according to a priori specified analytic plan.

During this stage the following centralized support groups / shared services may be engaged:

  • Phase 5: Oversight

    Internal and external review of research conduct

  • Phase 7: Publication

    Study rationale, objectives, methods, findings, limitations, and implications are drafted and submitted for peer-review scientific publication