Shared Resources & Support Offices

Supporting Basic and Clinical/Translational Research

Johns Hopkins All Children’s features an array of research cores, shared resources and support offices designed to provide fundamental biomedical investigators campus-wide access to research tools, technologies, consultation and services, optimizing the quality and efficiency of basic research.

Basic and Clinical/Translational Research Resources

  • Pediatric Biorepository

    The Johns Hopkins All Children’s Pediatric Biorepository  supports both local and national/international research in child health and disease by processing, cryopreserving and storing blood, tissue and other specimens collected on institutionally-approved research studies for archival and hypothesis-driven research. The Johns Hopkins All Children’s Biorepository, which is accredited by the College of American Pathologists, provides not only local biorepository services at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, but also central biorepository services for multicenter studies. The Biorepository provides consultation in pediatric biospecimen science, promotes sample networks and enhances multicenter and multidisciplinary research collaborations in child health and disease. 

  • Tissue-Based Diagnosis and Research Core

    We offer a range of reference and research services, including routine and customized design, planning, handling, processing, and preparation of diagnostic grade Histopathology and Cytology derivatives.

  • Department of Research & Grants Administration

    The Department of Research & Grants Administration provides grants and contract support services for those seeking funding for new research studies as well as those currently conducting funded research. Services include identifying funding opportunities, budget development, proposal development assistance, confidentiality agreement development/processing, contract negotiation, materials and/or data transfer agreement development/processing and post-award administration.