Group of people laughing and hanging out
Group of people laughing and hanging out
Group of people laughing and hanging out

Host an Event

Host an event or fundraiser for Johns Hopkins All Children’s that reflects your interests while helping the children in our care.

When you host an event or organize a fundraiser to support Johns Hopkins All Children’s, not only are you helping the children in our care, you’re also helping to share the hospital’s mission with the community. Everyone who attends your event will be able to learn about what we do to keep the kids in our hospital—and our community—healthy and safe.

We welcome events and fundraisers of all kinds. Build an event around something you enjoy—from running a race or hosting a golf tournament, to throwing a birthday party and inviting guests to donate or leading a chili cook-off.

You can find our fundraising guidelines here. This packet includes our policies for third-party fundraisers. If you’d like to propose an event or fundraiser, please fill out the form below. Upon submission, you will receive notification of fundraiser approval or denial. This process takes about four to six weeks.

You can also find a PDF version of this form in the fundraising guidelines packet if you’re like to submit a hard copy. Please send the form to:

Special Events Team
Johns Hopkins All Children’s Foundation
P.O. Box 3142
St. Petersburg, FL 33731-3142

For more information, please call the special events team at 727-767-4199 or click the button below to complete a quick form.

Host an Event

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