Chronic Pain Care

Children with chronic pain conditions receive coordinated care from multiple specialists as part of the multi-week Camp Wellness program.

For children with chronic pain conditions, the Camp Wellness behavioral health and wellness program at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida, provides a multidisciplinary, coordinated care clinic to improve your child’s functioning.

Patients participate in the program for six to eight weeks depending on their individual condition and needs and our pain management team’s recommendations. During the program, patients and their families have consistent outpatient appointments with the program’s psychologist, physical therapist, acupuncture provider, and social worker and/or educational liaison.

We work with our patients to help them return to the parts of life that pain has taken away. In most cases, your child’s functioning will improve before their pain decreases. Our team works closely with your child to provide the skills they need to increase functioning and manage their pain and symptoms throughout life so they can take part in school, family life, and the activities that are important to them.

Camp Wellness treatment providers include:

Psychologist: The psychologist will work with your child to provide cognitive behavioral therapy focused on reducing the impact and fear of pain, and to assist with coping as your child begins to increase functioning.

Physical therapist: The physical therapist will teach your child activity pacing, work with them on goal setting, and develop an individualized home exercise plan to increase your child’s functioning.

Acupuncture: We offer optional acupuncture and associated treatments for system regulation.

Biofeedback: Biofeedback teaches patients relaxation and pain management skills.

Social work/educational liaison: Our social worker and educational liaison will help to coordinate services close to home that your child may need, accommodations for school, work with your child on individualized plans for future jobs or vocations, and provide resources for education on chronic pain.

Meet the Camp Wellness Team

What to Expect

Your child will attend a full morning of sessions with their different care providers, once a week from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for six to eight weeks. Your child will need to attend each session to see the full benefits of the program.

Patients will be expected to engage in assigned at-home activities the rest of the week between their appointment days. Your child will receive a practice log that they’ll be asked to return each week, and they may have multiple activities each night. Your child’s care providers will work with you and your child to make sure your child is well prepared to complete the at-home activities.

The at-home activities also help our team to learn how your child is incorporating skills into daily life and what difficulties they may be having so that we can guide them and develop the best pain management plan.


Camp Wellness is in the Child Development and Rehabilitation Center on the Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital main campus in St. Petersburg. Your child will have sessions with providers on the first and fourth floors of the building.

Child Development and Rehabilitation Center
880 Sixth Street South
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

Contact Us

For more information on the Camp Wellness program, please give us a call. We serve families throughout the greater Tampa Bay area and beyond.

Give us a call


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